Something that I think a lot of people don't know about me, or wouldn't assume, is that I am a huge tree-hugger. I love being outside and I really do care about our dear mother Earth. Starting from when I was a kid, I wrote an environmental essay and won a contest. I have planted my fair share of trees. I have also been a spokesperson for recycling campaigns, studied environmental law as well as agriculture and environmental economics.

SO - needless to say I am the first person to be doing everything I can to limit my negative impact on the Earth, and I am going to share some of the ways in which I do so.

There are quite a few things I have implemented in my kitchen to make it more sustainable. First, I prefer to use glass containers over plastic. I have recently switched all of my containers over - and it doesn't have to be expensive! I bought a 40 piece set of glass containers from Costco for 25$. I was also gifted beeswax wraps, and since then they are all I use! Along a similar line, I have switched from regular ziplock bags to silicone bags. I do use regular ziplocks in my freezer to store meat but rather than throwing them out I wash them well and reuse the same ones over and over.
I also have switched from paper towels/sponges to reusable cloths or microfiber towels to clean dishes and clean up spills.
I only have one note here... I recently switched to bamboo toothbrushes and I have to say I much prefer it to my regular plastic ones!
A lot of people have asked me if I use cloth diapers with Matteo - I do not. As someone who does not have their own washer and dryer I did not think it to be practical for me to do so. That being said we do use reusable swim diapers!
One way I like to save both waste and money is by using washcloths as opposed to wipes. I do use regular disposable wipes for on-the-go and for #2s, but other than that I like being able to just use water and a cloth especially because I know Matteo will never get a rash from it! (Bonus: I use bamboo washcloths and they are SO soft!)
One big decision we have made is to not buy Matteo anything plastic. In my opinion, plastic toys are very overwhelming and can cause a lot of clutter. For Matteo's toys I have picked a few toys that are open-ended and made from wood or cloth (most of which were thrifted).

I'll be the first to admit this is the hardest area for me. I am a victim of fast-fashion through and through. What I have done lately is try to thrift things when I can, and I have found some gems! It can be frustrating and overwhelming to thrift for clothes, so here is my one tip - I only go looking when I have and idea of exactly what I am looking for, that way I don't get lost in a sea of aisles. I find this also helps me stay to a minimal wardrobe because I am not as tempted to buy everything!
One company that has stood out to me recently is H&M. I've always loved H&M for stylish but cheap clothes. Recently they started a program where you can bring your old clothes to recycle and they reuse them in making some of their garments. You can look for their green labels in store for the sustainable pieces which are made from recycled fabrics or organic cotton. I find their sustainable pieces to actually be the best quality!

So there you have it - my tips on living a more sustainable lifestyle. Most of these have been super easy for me to implement, and thats coming from me (lazy gal).
Hope you've enjoyed and are able to use some of these tips towards making a change in your own lifestyle!
- Alix